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Our circulatory system, when functioning properly, transports blood to all of our body’s cells, nourishing and strengthening them. When our circulatory system fails, our organs and tissues are deprived of the oxygen and nutrients they need, resulting in a variety of symptoms. Poor circulation can express itself in a variety of ways, ranging from cold hands and feet to varicose veins, hypertension, and hardening of the arteries
In western medicine, one of the main ways that acupuncture is thought to function is by altering the circulatory system and stimulating blood flow to restore nerve damage. Acupuncture can benefit the circulatory system by stimulating energy channels in the body, increasing peripheral blood flow and allowing our bodies to relax by restoring blood flow to essential organs and extremities. Acupuncture dilates constricted blood vessels that constrains blood flow while improving nutrient distribution and waste disposal, in addition to encouraging the release of stagnant energy. This healing treatment originated thousands of years ago in China and is still used in modern medicine.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), or the natural regulation of blood flow and qi throughout the body, improves acupuncture’s ability to increase blood circulation. The Zusanli (ST-36) point, which is linked with your immune, digestive, and circulatory systems, is central to TCM and is one of four basic acupoints essential to optimize physiological functioning.
Acupuncture and other forms of pain management operate by stimulating the circulatory system to perfuse tissues and initiate a healing response. Acupuncture points on the feet and legs have been proven to enhance blood flow to the eyes, upper limbs, and abdominal organs in studies using ultrasound technology.
A headache, for instance, could be caused by a lack of circulation, which is usually caused by tight muscles. When a muscle is tight, it restricts blood flow throughout the body. Acupuncture relieves muscle tension and improves blood flow. It also activates the neurological system by delivering messages to the brain, causing endorphins, our body’s natural pain relievers, to be released.
Hypertension is a cardiovascular disease which is associated with poor circulation whose most common symptom is high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, arteriosclerosis and renal failure. Acupuncture is exceptionally successful at lowering blood pressure and reducing oxidative stress while causing no local issues or adverse effects.
Raynaud’s Disease is another circulatory illness caused by artery spasms, and it causes the hands to go numb and purple. Acupuncture has impressively improved the frequency and attacks by treating the stagnation of Qi and blood due to cold and dampness in the channels.It’s not fun to have cold hands, feet, fingers and toes. If you are experiencing this, you might have poor blood circulation. You might want to consider acupuncture to relieve your discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions.
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